"Live Iron: what it's like to Carry CCW"

Sunday, July 23, 2006

'Why John Stewart is an Asshole and the Daily Show is a load of (partisan) Crap'

I promised and i'll deliver:

'Why John Stewart is an Asshole and the Daily Show is a load of (partisan) Crap'.

First of all, his is a comedy show rather than political analysis, and yet it masquerades as the latter (not a crime, but a little dishonest). Secondly, it has been said of the show that many young people get their political views here. Heaven help us if that's true. I do know how weak minded Man can be at times (Never underestimate the stupidity of Humans, especially in large groups!). I don't mind left or right political shows. But what I DO mind, is if they make their points through disinformation, lies, half truths or other forms of misdirection rather than on the strength of their arguments. Such as not presenting their P.O.V in a fair and neutral manner, I.E., in a biased fashion. That bothers me, and smacks of weakness on their part in arguing their postion. An example of a GOOD Politician, left or right, is Joe Lieberman. He's a man I RESPECT. I may not agree with him all the time, but he is one of the few Democrats I like. He is a man of Honor who means what he says. And he doesn't change his opinions to suit the prevailing winds, either. He has Integrity.

Case in point: On one of JS's shows he featured an Idiot. I call him an idiot not because of his position, but because the man didn't know when to pick his fights and when to give it up. And in this lack of discretion, he became a tool of scorn to be used by John Stewart to promulgate his anti-gun bias. He was a 2nd Amendment pro-gun Libertarian who was trying to give out toy guns in NYC schools. (!) The point he was trying to make (Valid) was that guns aren't bad, it's how they're used that's good or bad. And he wanted to remind New Yorkers of their inherent second amendment birthright that has been stolen from them by the greedy power grabbing "Public Servants" through the invasive 1911 sullivan law. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sullivan_Law
In addition to regulating ccw permits in NYC, it also gives the city discretion to decide whether or not the average person may even own a firearm in their house, let alone business, be it long gun (rifle), pistol, or shotgun! And TRUST ME, this so called "privilege" is HARDLY EVER granted in NYC. In other words, the second amendment effectively doesn't exist there. Not unless you're rich and connected. It is a 'privilege' that you have to beg for from the city masters rather than a right of every citizen. "A nation of riflemen", indeed...! Not in NYC, not anymore. That's why I'll NEVER live in new york city. "A nice place to visit," but I wouldn't want to live there...

So back to our Muttons: This Noble (but misguided) individual was trying to tell people of their lost freedoms in the city, by informing them of their historical right to bear arms, and by handing out toy guns at a school to try and repair the damage done by such anti-gun groups as the Brady Campaign and others. But he really didn't pick his targets wisely. When I talk to someone, I listen VERY carefully to the feedback that I get from that person. EVERYONE is treated this way, friend and foe alike. It's called a "survival tactic" so I don't get in an argument that might come to blows or violence. Clearly, this man did not pick his audience well. First of all, he's talking in NEW YORK CITY (very anti-gun, and it's been bred into these people that they don't have the right anymore, nor "want" this right by the anti-gun media, the schools and the city govt. And you saw it! In the words of the woman who yelled "We don't WANT guns in our neighborhood!" at the man. In essence, they had been turned into slaves, both in their minds and by Imperial Fiat), IN A PUBLIC SCHOOL (where the "POLICY" is "guns are BAD! unless they're held by POLICE or OTHER MEMBERS OF AUTHORITY, then they become MAGICALLY GOOD! MMMMN'KAY?") and third, he's talking to inner city parents (Let's tell the truth and shame the devil here shall we? They're black, one of the groups in my opinion, that you would think would want to exercise the right of the second amendment the most to defend themselves, along with gays and others. but sadly no. They have been all for having their rights taken away in the name of security. Foolish, foolish Humans... They tried to do it in San Francisco recently and it went through, 'till recently it was overturned. Thank you Pink Pistols! AND the NRA!)

And so I watch this travesty that John Stewart and the studio audience laughs at (while he most likely has security guards protecting his person, possibly armed) as this poor schlep tries to tell inner city children and their disenfranchised parents about their stolen rights. And they YELL AT HIM, and are RUDE TO HIM, and VERBALLY ABUSE HIM, SCREAMING AT HIM while he POLITELY tries to make his point and hand out the toy guns. This was ALL caught on camera. I saw it. It sickens me to tell it to you now. A similar image comes to my mind from the book "Schindlers list". The Image of the Polish child Verbally Berating the Jews as they leave the Warsaw Ghetto to go to the death camps. And he's SCREAMING in the face of the departing Jews with such hatred and vitriol: "The JEWS are leaving! Hooray the JEWS are leaving! GoodBYE JEW! GoodBYE JEW! GoodBYE JEW..."

The same HATE and disrespect for the Jews by that Polish boy was displayed by that angry mob against the man who was trying to free their minds and make them FREE MEN again rather than the SLAVES that they were. And they didn't want it. They didn't want Freedom. They didn't want their rights back. They were happy being slaves and subjects, historically looking to the protection of their so-called "public servants" rather than taking personal responsibility for the Defense of themselves, their loved ones and family. Even though a 1978 Supreme Court ruling stated that the police have no responsibility to protect you individually...

They Sicken me.

Another thing I want to mention before I close this post for today: I can't confirm it, having looked on the internet for the proof that I saw it and not being able to find it, but I could SWEAR that I saw a thing on "castle doctrine"* on The Daily Show as well.(*"Castle Doctrine" simply states that you are not required anymore to flee from an attacker first before you defend yourself) And they presented it like this: What they were saying (literally, from their point of view, although they didn't present it as such) was that the "castle doctrine" now allowed you to KILL PEOPLE! That's how they were framing it! YOU FUCKING IDIOTS. YOU SHITHOLE LIARS! (If anyone could confirm or deny this, I would appreciate it. I may have seen this on some other news report, I'm not absolutely sure). That is not what castle doctrine is about! It just means that the law recognizes that you now have more of a right to defend yourself and stand your ground when someone tries to physically assault you. That you no longer are required to run for your life while someone could tackle you from behind, stab you or shoot you in the back before you turn around. But then again, I must be CRAZY for expecting fairness and honesty from The Daily Show. Silly Me...

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Some Intelligence Analysts...

Aready state that we're in WWIII, having started decades ago, and currently being fought in the middle east between Israel and Lebanon. I really don't know what to do in this situation. The 'Gordian Knot' part of my brain says, Fuckitall, just Nuke the middle east and wipe out the Jews and the Muslims, and be done with it. Let nobody live there and wipe out ALL the parties so they can't war with each other anymore. Make it so NO ONE can live in the middle east. Would you be happy then people? Of course it wouldn't. But Israel deserves to exist. Countrairywise, they are treating the Muslims, and Lebanese and Palestinians badly in some ways. But this wouldn't happen if the above weren't trying to wipe Israel off the map! You don't hear the Jews saying that the Muslims have no right to exist! But the reverse is true. constant attacks are one of the reasons the Jews treat them this way. I do not know where this is heading...
But it's going to be very bad.

Coming soon!

'Why John Stewart is an Asshole and the Daily Show is a load of (partisan) Crap'

"See! Hitler on Ice!"
"See! Jewwwwwsss Innnn Spaaaaaaaceeeee"-Mel Brooks, History of the World Part I.

All after I get a proper amount of sleep.

"later, Richard."-'The Cat who walkes through walls', Robert A. Heinlien.

A few days ago...

I was up at around 5am, getting ready to go to bed. I'm reading in bed like I usually do, and I hear this... noise. Sounds like the sliding door opening...And i'm thinking to myself, "Did I shut and lock it before I went to bed?" I don't HEAR any voices, no noises indicating L (my sister) or mom are up and about. I'm not hearing the dog bark outside...I don't like this. My brain starts playing "What if?". "What if it's a burglar? Well, what if it's your sister letting out the dog? Yeah? What if you're wrong and it IS someone breaking into the house? But what if I don't check? What if you're robbed, you Dummy?! What if someone hurts your mom or sister while you assume everything's ok and you go to bed? Do you you really wanna take that chance? No, not really, because..."

When I was 15, someone broke into our house. They took a crowbar or a hammer and chisel and pried the deadbolt out/broke the window in the door ( actually what I think they did was use a crowbar on the window after the 'bar couldn't pry the door open. They then reached in and turned the bolt. you could see damage to the door and jamb as well as the window). I heard it. I was asleep at the time and the loud noise woke me up. He came into my room (I don't know why) and tried to turn on the light. The lightswitch in the wall didn't work. In my sleep dazed state, I mumbled, "try the other one"(!). I guess I thought, not fully awake, that he was someone who belonged there, family or friend. And then he turned around and left, saying nothing! I was VERY lucky. He could have slit my throat before I knew what was going on. Or shot me. Mercifully, he just left. I saw his half his face in the light of the hallway. He was male, long blond or light brown hair, with a moustache and relatively young (20 or 30's). After I had woken up enough to realize what had happened, I was shaken quite badly. I went to the side door and saw it hanging open, the deadbolt worked on and the glass broken. Cold fall air blowing in the house, no real way to close the door now that it was busted. It couldn't close or stay shut. There is nothing like having your house broken into to scare the living fucking crap out of you. It is a violation, a Rape of your home, your safety, and your sanctuary, the place where you feel safe. It is endangerment of your life and that of your loved ones, on par with a natural disaster hitting your house. So, I sat, and waited for my Mom and Sister to come home and tell them the bad news...

After this happened we had a reinforced door with no window replace the busted one....

So, this is why i'm getting up and not assuming that it's L letting the dog out. I HAVE to check and make sure. I don't want to do this. (In fact i'm saying this over and over under my breath as I put on some clothes and load a mag into the gun and drop the slide, chambering a round) I go out to: "SEE WHAT THAT NOISE WAS!" (Dum-Dum DUM! sounds like a 50's horror movie title, doesn't it? well, sounds funny now, but it wasn't at the time.) I have the safety on, I can switch it off quickly enough, and the gun is down by my side, finger off the trigger, as I open the door...
To see light in the bathroom...
"L?" "Are you in the bathroom?" "yes..." "Did you let the dog out?"
And I slowly close the door and put the gun away. I didn't tell my sister why I was asking because I didn't want to worry her, so I kept my own counsel and went to bed...

A few days later though, My sis comes home from work and says something to me like, "I recognized the sound of that slide dropping! That's unmistakeable." (when I first bought a gun my mom wanted, I read everything I could get my hands on about gun safety. I also made sure my mom and sis were thoroughly versed in the safe handling of the gun, followed by explanations about how it worked and spending time at a range firing it so they would be familiar and comfortable with it as well as knowing how to use it in case of emergency) "Is that why you were asking me if the dog was out?" "yes." And then of couse, I explained to my sib the whole thing about the door opening and not knowing if there was someone in the house.

I am very fortunate to have a cool sister like that. One that knows how to properly handle a firearm, one that doesn't freak out at the sight of a gun or think that guns are evil. That they are just a tools to be used, for good or ill, like a car or a computer. And i'm especially glad that there was no one in the house...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Another reason...

I started this blog was because I felt that I couldn't talk about some of the gun things and CCW things in my normal blog. Not with any confidence that I wouldn't be censored/shunned/thoughtcrimed for telling the truth. Not with my semi-known blog personality, and not with some of my friends who read it. Not all my friends and aquaintances know I have a License (to carry concealed) . Nor will they ever. Some of them can't be trusted not to over-react. Such as NKLS. Who has shown himself to be a bit hysterical. I have different levels of friends, and of course, you tell different friends/family different things. Anonyminity does have its advantages. It allows you to tell more of the truth sometimes.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

addendum to "We had a Party!"

One of the things I wanted to mention about when E and SE were at BY's house: Filed in the "TMI" category. I don't know why SE said this, and it wasn't aimed at me but someone else, but it was LOUD enough for EVERONE to hear it! EVEN A heard it! I'm sad to say. SE said, OUT LOUD, that she had used a STRAP ON DILDO on E And FUCKED HIM IN THE ASS! REALLY!
Thank you for sharing! Geez, ever heard of a little restraint? no? Obviously not. You know, if I ever let a woman fuck me in the ass, I AM NOT GONNA TELL ANYONE ABOUT IT! that's a little personal, you know? Keep it to yourself, ok? Really...

And another thing... We were watching a movie tonight at H**S and E and SE wouldn't shut the fuck up! Fine. you think it sucks, eh? Ok, whatever. shut the fuck up and LEAVE! Don't comment on how this would make a better RPG, cause i really don't wanna hear it. I wanna WATCH THE FUCKING MOVIE! No one is really interested in your comments! Maybe i should have complained to BL, but that's bullshit too, cause BL would have blown me off. of course if i'm too loud and persist, I get fucking warned. (And feel bad about bothering people) It's a load of crap... and A, I BEGGED her not to joke! Baby, I REALLY wanted to watch this film! seriously...
That's all.

Armageddon is on...

and I hate this film. It insults my intelligence. Trey Parker and Matt Stone were right: "Pearl Harbor sucked" and so does Michael Bay. I found this review on the 'Net and it says far better than i could why Armageddon is a Stupid Movie. Please Enjoy.


We had a Party!

It was J's 23rd birthday and we had a party at BY's house. It was a BLAST! I got there a bit late, because I woke up just before 9PM (time of the party). I also was there late because I had to drive there (45mins) for the first time to BY's house with instructions. Add to this that I couldn't contact anyone by phone at first and find the proper apt #. Finally, i contacted A and and went in. I was just about to quit and go home! I must have drove around the apartment complex 5 times or more dialing numbers trying to find out where it was! Anyway B & A were there, BL, J, SZ, and SE, BY, and RY was there as well, I was surprised, i thought he had dropped off the face of the earth! I wish he had, quite frankly. I wasn't glad to see him, nor did I talk to him if i could help it. Let's see, who else was there? someone I didn't know, nor was i introduced to, and of course, my good friend BD!

There was food (hot wings, cookies), LOTS of alcohol, sodas and other drinks and GUITAR HERO! I shoulda tried it, I really should have. But I didn't. I regret it now (go ahead and play it next time you're offered, ok?). There was also Smash Bros, which i suck at because I don't play regularly. But mostly, for me, I just sat around and shot the shit with my friends. I enjoyed it immensely. But it was HOT in there! I know people increase the heat in a room as they eat all the oxygen but please! BY, turn up your air conditioner next time! Really...

I talked to B for a while at the table about my attempts to get back into the school of my choice, and then I visited B and A on the porch outside where we talked about MANY things! Boy, I do enjoy a good conversation! We talked about Islam, and Israel, and WWIII (!), politics, elections, and the most likely probability that Israel has neutron bombs, something we (Carter) stopped working on in the 70's. Kills the people, leaves the buildings! And with no chocolate mess! And how we're most likely going to have to intervene AGAIN in the middle east to keep Iran from wiping Israel off the map before the Israelis do it themselves to Iran in the name of self defense and cause a cascade effect touching off WWIII (which some analysts say we are all ready in the beginning stages of...)! Whew! what a mouthful!

We spoke of many other things very interesting and dear to my heart, having a lively and spirited conversation, when J came around. I wish he would have joined us, but when he heard that we were speaking politics and national policy, he left. Oh well, maybe later. Come and join us J! we'll speak of anything you wish! Just start a topic and we'll be glad to discuss it! or invite us to play some guitar hero and we'll be glad to join you! But he left. Maybe when he's older. I found politics boring when I was younger, I can understand...

Then SE came around and started blathering about Gundam Wing, which we politely listened to until she went away and started again on what we were talking about. I used to like SE. The reason being, she used to treat me like she would like to be treated, hugs, friendship, talking, that sort of thing. And then something happened, I don't know what, and she treated me differently. She wouldn't give me a hug, but a handshake and treated me like some sort of pervert. She wouldn't talk to to me. I think it might have been her relationship with E. E is an asshole, to me at least. He treats other people well, like BD, but to me, he grates on my nerves. He says one thing, do X. and then proceeds to violate his own rules and do what he asks you not to do. A hyppocrite. and I despise that in him. and I suspect (oh, you do sherlock? how brilliant of you! it took you only months to figure it out!) that my dislike of E, made SE's relationship change with me. They were first going out, and now they're going to married. So now, she won't talk to me, which I resent, because it's rude. It's being ignored. So I resented her butting into our conversation, though you couldn't have told as I patiently listened. Maybe I shouldn't have looked at her and ignored her, as she's done me. However, I ALWAYS find that hard, even though I take some things personal sometimes. It takes a REAL EFFORT sometimes for me to be rude, othertimes it's easier.

Stayed outside and talked to BD and J about gun laws and guns for a while and then went back inside. Watched J and BB (BB was there, forgot to mention him. He looks like Kenny G right now! XD) talk to this japanese girl online, a friend of BB. J was hitting on her! Talked to BD inside some more about how Mayor Daley is turning Chicago into a police state with all the security cameras everywhere and how they're now swabbing people for DNA now in NYC for routine traffic stops. Fucking Facism! I swear man, sometimes the U.S. is turning into a dictatorship with all the freedoms being nibbled away...

Then E arrived. and proceeded to get drunk (i only had a little bit of tequila, it tasted AWFUL and I didn't drink any alcohol after that, I wanted to drive myself home). We think he was overemphasising it just a bit to be silly and get away with behavior normally not accepted. of course, he's a bit like drunk (silly) when he's sober, so who knows? He proceeded to strip! Which I coulda done without! Down to his (ugh!) jockey shorts. Dammit, I don't wanna look at his Flabby body jumping around! Have some fucking Decency, Man! Show a little self restraint! People are LAUGHING AT YOU because you're acting like a drunken fool! Jerk. Then the drunken asshole insists on going out of the apartment in his underwear and running around. Several people tried to stop him and failed. He went out, god knows where. We shoulda left him out and locked the door. Called the police. Would that have taught him a lesson? I seriously doubt it...

Eventually, he came back and we let him in. It was about that time, that A and B were leaving so I thought it would be a good idea for me to do so as well. I said goodbye to everyone, hugged my friends J and BD and accompanied B & A to their cars, close to mine. I hugged them, told them to be safe, and drove home...

The Title...

actually comes from a Stephen King book, "The Gunslinger: The drawing of the Three". For some reason the phrase from the book "she's packing LIVE IRON eddie!" (a loaded gun) stuck in my head, and i remember it to this day, it was such a unique phrase. the book, for those who've not read it (please do, and start at the first book "The Gunslinger". read all the way through the 7 books, it's worth it). long story short, a "Gunslinger" (a kind of knight) from another world very similar to ours picks people from our world. one from 1987 and one from 1965. one a heroin junkie, the other a multiple personality disordered handicapped woman (it's better than it sounds actually). the woman has a nice personality and a psychotic one, and the psychotic one has taken over, stolen one of the gunslingers guns, and disappeared waiting to kill the gunslinger and the junkie when they sleep. the junkie has started to fall in love with the nice personality when the gunslinger warns him of the impending danger of the psychotic with the firearm in the above quote. And that's how the name came about...


and welcome to my first post! this Blog is an attempt to tell other Americans (and anyone else in the world who cares to listen) what it is like for the average American to carry an concealed firearm upon their person. it is not TOTALLY about that, but that is the primary reason this blog was created. I will speak of other things, whatever crosses my mind or tickles my fancy, but I want to convey to you, Dear Reader, "what it is like".

First of all, it's a Responsibility. One that i take more seriously than driving a car. second, you don't talk about it much to the average person. Frankly, it's not something you bring up in everyday conversation, understandably so, because it tends to freak the average person out. i know this from experience, having been on the "other side of the gun" and looking at police officers/undercover cops and seeing their firearms on their hips. i distinctly remember being slightly afraid of the other person with a fiream. now being on the other side of the conversation, i understand the pov of police, and how you don't want to upset the public.

No, this is something you share, if at all, with some of your closest friends, and even then, not all of them. you're very circumspect with who you tell. Frequently, you'll come across some person who'll look at you like you're some sort of murderer when you share that you are armed, like if they disagree with you, you'll shoot them. Which of course is insane. But human beings can be very illogical at times. this and much more foolishness comes from an ignorant, disenfranchised public. you're VERY careful who you tell, and you're EXTREMELY CAREFUL about inadvertently exposing your weapon, a secret not being a secret if everyone knows, and again, people tend to freak out at the sight of a gun. So it stays hidden.

Let me tell you. carrying a gun for my own personal protection, has made me a more polite, more careful, more law abiding person than i previously was (and i was pretty law abiding! i do NOT want to go jail!). I walk a tightrope of multiple laws that i must abide by to avoid breaking the law, made even more harsh by the potential violation of said laws with a gun. and i won't break them either. don't want to go to jail, don't want to hurt anyone, don't want to break any laws.

Why did i do this? For several reasons: I walk at night. Always have, maybe always will. It just seems to be my nature. I like the solitude, the exercise, and the time to think alone. subsequently, Bad People have tried to hurt me. Cars, beer bottles, etc. people have tried to run me over before, and I'm afraid one night i might ring the jackpot and pull up a sociopath. they do exist. and more than one has been documented to be police officers who have raped and killed their victims that they pulled over. for years, i was profficient at "disappearing" if i felt that someone meant me ill at night. it became an art form. then finally, despite all my devised safety tactics, i felt that someday someone might ask me what time it was, and even though i was well out of reach, i would look down and be shot in the face by some monster in a car. So, i would like to have a fletting chance at defending myself. this was spurned on by the fact that i and my mother a few years ago became gun owners. i bought her a pistol for christmas, and she bought me one for my birthday. And we both filled out our requests for pistol permits at the same time. for personal protection, transfer to and from gun ranges, and for storage in our cars.

I think this enough of an introduction for my first post, and i'll probably post more when i'm less tired. Until then, take care of yourselves. All of you.