We had a Party!
It was J's 23rd birthday and we had a party at BY's house. It was a BLAST! I got there a bit late, because I woke up just before 9PM (time of the party). I also was there late because I had to drive there (45mins) for the first time to BY's house with instructions. Add to this that I couldn't contact anyone by phone at first and find the proper apt #. Finally, i contacted A and and went in. I was just about to quit and go home! I must have drove around the apartment complex 5 times or more dialing numbers trying to find out where it was! Anyway B & A were there, BL, J, SZ, and SE, BY, and RY was there as well, I was surprised, i thought he had dropped off the face of the earth! I wish he had, quite frankly. I wasn't glad to see him, nor did I talk to him if i could help it. Let's see, who else was there? someone I didn't know, nor was i introduced to, and of course, my good friend BD!
There was food (hot wings, cookies), LOTS of alcohol, sodas and other drinks and GUITAR HERO! I shoulda tried it, I really should have. But I didn't. I regret it now (go ahead and play it next time you're offered, ok?). There was also Smash Bros, which i suck at because I don't play regularly. But mostly, for me, I just sat around and shot the shit with my friends. I enjoyed it immensely. But it was HOT in there! I know people increase the heat in a room as they eat all the oxygen but please! BY, turn up your air conditioner next time! Really...
I talked to B for a while at the table about my attempts to get back into the school of my choice, and then I visited B and A on the porch outside where we talked about MANY things! Boy, I do enjoy a good conversation! We talked about Islam, and Israel, and WWIII (!), politics, elections, and the most likely probability that Israel has neutron bombs, something we (Carter) stopped working on in the 70's. Kills the people, leaves the buildings! And with no chocolate mess! And how we're most likely going to have to intervene AGAIN in the middle east to keep Iran from wiping Israel off the map before the Israelis do it themselves to Iran in the name of self defense and cause a cascade effect touching off WWIII (which some analysts say we are all ready in the beginning stages of...)! Whew! what a mouthful!
We spoke of many other things very interesting and dear to my heart, having a lively and spirited conversation, when J came around. I wish he would have joined us, but when he heard that we were speaking politics and national policy, he left. Oh well, maybe later. Come and join us J! we'll speak of anything you wish! Just start a topic and we'll be glad to discuss it! or invite us to play some guitar hero and we'll be glad to join you! But he left. Maybe when he's older. I found politics boring when I was younger, I can understand...
Then SE came around and started blathering about Gundam Wing, which we politely listened to until she went away and started again on what we were talking about. I used to like SE. The reason being, she used to treat me like she would like to be treated, hugs, friendship, talking, that sort of thing. And then something happened, I don't know what, and she treated me differently. She wouldn't give me a hug, but a handshake and treated me like some sort of pervert. She wouldn't talk to to me. I think it might have been her relationship with E. E is an asshole, to me at least. He treats other people well, like BD, but to me, he grates on my nerves. He says one thing, do X. and then proceeds to violate his own rules and do what he asks you not to do. A hyppocrite. and I despise that in him. and I suspect (oh, you do sherlock? how brilliant of you! it took you only months to figure it out!) that my dislike of E, made SE's relationship change with me. They were first going out, and now they're going to married. So now, she won't talk to me, which I resent, because it's rude. It's being ignored. So I resented her butting into our conversation, though you couldn't have told as I patiently listened. Maybe I shouldn't have looked at her and ignored her, as she's done me. However, I ALWAYS find that hard, even though I take some things personal sometimes. It takes a REAL EFFORT sometimes for me to be rude, othertimes it's easier.
Stayed outside and talked to BD and J about gun laws and guns for a while and then went back inside. Watched J and BB (BB was there, forgot to mention him. He looks like Kenny G right now! XD) talk to this japanese girl online, a friend of BB. J was hitting on her! Talked to BD inside some more about how Mayor Daley is turning Chicago into a police state with all the security cameras everywhere and how they're now swabbing people for DNA now in NYC for routine traffic stops. Fucking Facism! I swear man, sometimes the U.S. is turning into a dictatorship with all the freedoms being nibbled away...
Then E arrived. and proceeded to get drunk (i only had a little bit of tequila, it tasted AWFUL and I didn't drink any alcohol after that, I wanted to drive myself home). We think he was overemphasising it just a bit to be silly and get away with behavior normally not accepted. of course, he's a bit like drunk (silly) when he's sober, so who knows? He proceeded to strip! Which I coulda done without! Down to his (ugh!) jockey shorts. Dammit, I don't wanna look at his Flabby body jumping around! Have some fucking Decency, Man! Show a little self restraint! People are LAUGHING AT YOU because you're acting like a drunken fool! Jerk. Then the drunken asshole insists on going out of the apartment in his underwear and running around. Several people tried to stop him and failed. He went out, god knows where. We shoulda left him out and locked the door. Called the police. Would that have taught him a lesson? I seriously doubt it...
Eventually, he came back and we let him in. It was about that time, that A and B were leaving so I thought it would be a good idea for me to do so as well. I said goodbye to everyone, hugged my friends J and BD and accompanied B & A to their cars, close to mine. I hugged them, told them to be safe, and drove home...
There was food (hot wings, cookies), LOTS of alcohol, sodas and other drinks and GUITAR HERO! I shoulda tried it, I really should have. But I didn't. I regret it now (go ahead and play it next time you're offered, ok?). There was also Smash Bros, which i suck at because I don't play regularly. But mostly, for me, I just sat around and shot the shit with my friends. I enjoyed it immensely. But it was HOT in there! I know people increase the heat in a room as they eat all the oxygen but please! BY, turn up your air conditioner next time! Really...
I talked to B for a while at the table about my attempts to get back into the school of my choice, and then I visited B and A on the porch outside where we talked about MANY things! Boy, I do enjoy a good conversation! We talked about Islam, and Israel, and WWIII (!), politics, elections, and the most likely probability that Israel has neutron bombs, something we (Carter) stopped working on in the 70's. Kills the people, leaves the buildings! And with no chocolate mess! And how we're most likely going to have to intervene AGAIN in the middle east to keep Iran from wiping Israel off the map before the Israelis do it themselves to Iran in the name of self defense and cause a cascade effect touching off WWIII (which some analysts say we are all ready in the beginning stages of...)! Whew! what a mouthful!
We spoke of many other things very interesting and dear to my heart, having a lively and spirited conversation, when J came around. I wish he would have joined us, but when he heard that we were speaking politics and national policy, he left. Oh well, maybe later. Come and join us J! we'll speak of anything you wish! Just start a topic and we'll be glad to discuss it! or invite us to play some guitar hero and we'll be glad to join you! But he left. Maybe when he's older. I found politics boring when I was younger, I can understand...
Then SE came around and started blathering about Gundam Wing, which we politely listened to until she went away and started again on what we were talking about. I used to like SE. The reason being, she used to treat me like she would like to be treated, hugs, friendship, talking, that sort of thing. And then something happened, I don't know what, and she treated me differently. She wouldn't give me a hug, but a handshake and treated me like some sort of pervert. She wouldn't talk to to me. I think it might have been her relationship with E. E is an asshole, to me at least. He treats other people well, like BD, but to me, he grates on my nerves. He says one thing, do X. and then proceeds to violate his own rules and do what he asks you not to do. A hyppocrite. and I despise that in him. and I suspect (oh, you do sherlock? how brilliant of you! it took you only months to figure it out!) that my dislike of E, made SE's relationship change with me. They were first going out, and now they're going to married. So now, she won't talk to me, which I resent, because it's rude. It's being ignored. So I resented her butting into our conversation, though you couldn't have told as I patiently listened. Maybe I shouldn't have looked at her and ignored her, as she's done me. However, I ALWAYS find that hard, even though I take some things personal sometimes. It takes a REAL EFFORT sometimes for me to be rude, othertimes it's easier.
Stayed outside and talked to BD and J about gun laws and guns for a while and then went back inside. Watched J and BB (BB was there, forgot to mention him. He looks like Kenny G right now! XD) talk to this japanese girl online, a friend of BB. J was hitting on her! Talked to BD inside some more about how Mayor Daley is turning Chicago into a police state with all the security cameras everywhere and how they're now swabbing people for DNA now in NYC for routine traffic stops. Fucking Facism! I swear man, sometimes the U.S. is turning into a dictatorship with all the freedoms being nibbled away...
Then E arrived. and proceeded to get drunk (i only had a little bit of tequila, it tasted AWFUL and I didn't drink any alcohol after that, I wanted to drive myself home). We think he was overemphasising it just a bit to be silly and get away with behavior normally not accepted. of course, he's a bit like drunk (silly) when he's sober, so who knows? He proceeded to strip! Which I coulda done without! Down to his (ugh!) jockey shorts. Dammit, I don't wanna look at his Flabby body jumping around! Have some fucking Decency, Man! Show a little self restraint! People are LAUGHING AT YOU because you're acting like a drunken fool! Jerk. Then the drunken asshole insists on going out of the apartment in his underwear and running around. Several people tried to stop him and failed. He went out, god knows where. We shoulda left him out and locked the door. Called the police. Would that have taught him a lesson? I seriously doubt it...
Eventually, he came back and we let him in. It was about that time, that A and B were leaving so I thought it would be a good idea for me to do so as well. I said goodbye to everyone, hugged my friends J and BD and accompanied B & A to their cars, close to mine. I hugged them, told them to be safe, and drove home...
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