"Live Iron: what it's like to Carry CCW"

Saturday, July 15, 2006


and welcome to my first post! this Blog is an attempt to tell other Americans (and anyone else in the world who cares to listen) what it is like for the average American to carry an concealed firearm upon their person. it is not TOTALLY about that, but that is the primary reason this blog was created. I will speak of other things, whatever crosses my mind or tickles my fancy, but I want to convey to you, Dear Reader, "what it is like".

First of all, it's a Responsibility. One that i take more seriously than driving a car. second, you don't talk about it much to the average person. Frankly, it's not something you bring up in everyday conversation, understandably so, because it tends to freak the average person out. i know this from experience, having been on the "other side of the gun" and looking at police officers/undercover cops and seeing their firearms on their hips. i distinctly remember being slightly afraid of the other person with a fiream. now being on the other side of the conversation, i understand the pov of police, and how you don't want to upset the public.

No, this is something you share, if at all, with some of your closest friends, and even then, not all of them. you're very circumspect with who you tell. Frequently, you'll come across some person who'll look at you like you're some sort of murderer when you share that you are armed, like if they disagree with you, you'll shoot them. Which of course is insane. But human beings can be very illogical at times. this and much more foolishness comes from an ignorant, disenfranchised public. you're VERY careful who you tell, and you're EXTREMELY CAREFUL about inadvertently exposing your weapon, a secret not being a secret if everyone knows, and again, people tend to freak out at the sight of a gun. So it stays hidden.

Let me tell you. carrying a gun for my own personal protection, has made me a more polite, more careful, more law abiding person than i previously was (and i was pretty law abiding! i do NOT want to go jail!). I walk a tightrope of multiple laws that i must abide by to avoid breaking the law, made even more harsh by the potential violation of said laws with a gun. and i won't break them either. don't want to go to jail, don't want to hurt anyone, don't want to break any laws.

Why did i do this? For several reasons: I walk at night. Always have, maybe always will. It just seems to be my nature. I like the solitude, the exercise, and the time to think alone. subsequently, Bad People have tried to hurt me. Cars, beer bottles, etc. people have tried to run me over before, and I'm afraid one night i might ring the jackpot and pull up a sociopath. they do exist. and more than one has been documented to be police officers who have raped and killed their victims that they pulled over. for years, i was profficient at "disappearing" if i felt that someone meant me ill at night. it became an art form. then finally, despite all my devised safety tactics, i felt that someday someone might ask me what time it was, and even though i was well out of reach, i would look down and be shot in the face by some monster in a car. So, i would like to have a fletting chance at defending myself. this was spurned on by the fact that i and my mother a few years ago became gun owners. i bought her a pistol for christmas, and she bought me one for my birthday. And we both filled out our requests for pistol permits at the same time. for personal protection, transfer to and from gun ranges, and for storage in our cars.

I think this enough of an introduction for my first post, and i'll probably post more when i'm less tired. Until then, take care of yourselves. All of you.


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